.NET Framework 1.1 SDK Beta released

Wie auf Neowin.net zu lesen ist, hat Microsoft das .Net Framwork 1.1 SDK Beta released. Hier ein Auszug aus der Mail, die die Betatester zugeschickt bekamen:
Dear Microsoft Beta Tester,

Welcome to the beta release of the .NET Framework 1.1 SDK.

The beta of the .NET Framework version 1.1 SDK and Redistributable is now available, along with the add-on to build and run VJ# applications. We encourage you to download these and provide us with feedback

The .NET Framework version 1.1 features improved scalability and performance; support for mobile device development with the ASP.NET Mobile Controls (formerly the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit); support for Internet Protocol version 6; and classes in ADO.NET for native communication with ODBC and Oracle databases. It also enables the use of code access security to further lock down and isolate ASP.NET applications. We look forward to hearing about your experiences developing with and running this software

We will be providing support for the beta program through newsgroups and BetaPlace

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